Kidorable makes great functional children's outdoor gear in wonderful themes like the one we chose -- ladybug. Honestly, from pirates to cats, there is a theme that your child will be excited about.
As you can see in this picture, the hat is beautiful. I was also happy to see that the spots as well as the bug were carefully stitched into the hat, so that you didn't have any spots that were easily pulled off. The hat is appropriately woven (not too tight, not too loose) so that it easily gets on and off the head, but is relatively warm for our fall (40 degree weather).
The mittens are also well made, but it was tough to get K to keep them on enough to get pictures. I was happy to see that the mittens were strung together which will be wonderful for our winter weather (no more lost mittens).
We bought a Ladybug umbrella, hat, and mittens set from Kidorable. My biggest concern was that the items may not be functional -- that they would be cute but not stand up to either the weather or a toddler. I shouldn't have worried. Here are some close ups before K got a hold of 'em:
The umbrella itself is really cute. It's quite sturdy, and folds up nice and tight. The eyes cleverly retract when the umbrella is closed. The handle is secured to the metal, and the prongs were not sharp. I slid my hand around the metal framework and didn't get a scratch. Essentially, this was a great first umbrella for K.
Field Test:
Once I let her see the set, she loved them. She carried the umbrella around the house for a good half hour, talking to it, bumping it into walls, stepping on it, etc. There was no damage to the umbrella under close inspection. This umbrella is sturdy!
This weekend was the perfect time to take the umbrella and hat outside for a spin:
Pros: Beautiful, functional hats and mittens! Wonderfully stitched to make the "dots" hard to pull off! Umbrella is sturdy, easy for toddlers to manage without help. The "theme" of ladybug was wonderfully executed across the pieces. True to brand, the items were both functional and fun.
Improvements: Would like the black spots to continue all the way around the hat -- Honestly I like the hat with the ladybug on the side, not straight on the forehead. If possible it would be great to have fingerless mittens with a ladybug flap -- would be cute and functional up here for the bumper months!
All and all, we are really thrilled with our purchase, and I would totally recommend Kidorable to anyone.
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